Regulament de organizare și desfășurare a examenelor de absolvire, licență/diplomă și disertație valabil începând cu anul universitar 2023/2024
Regulament privid examenele de finalizare a studiilor pentru programul de studii Arhitectură
În lucru
În lucru

Research centre


The teaching staff of the faculty have a notable experience, being involved in research activities through national and international research contracts, collaborations with prestigious companies. Scientific research is a continuous concern of teachers and researchers in the faculty.

The research topic is focused on the specifics of existing research laboratories at the level of departments and fields of training through doctoral studies.

The scientific potential of the FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, CADASTRE AND ARCHITECTURE of Oradea has allowed the organization of a series of periodic, large-scale scientific events, with a good participation of Romanian and foreign specialists

The research activity of the teaching and research staff of the FACULTY OF CONSTRUCTION, CADASTRE AND ARCHITECTURE of Oradea has been carried out, over time, under the tutelage of a research center established and evaluated locally, within the University of Oradea. Thus, by a Decision of the Senate of the University of Oradea in 2012, this research center, within the Faculty of CONSTRUCTIONS, CADASTRE AND ARCHITECTURE, was accredited as an institutionalized research center of local interest.

Str. Universității nr. 1, Oradea
+40 259 432 830
+40 259 432 789
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Str. Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea nr. 4, Oradea
C.P. nr. 114, O.P. 1, 410058
+40 259 422 421 Secretariat
+40 259 408 447 Decanat
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In working